Module 4 Field Notebook: Hydrology Bingo
The Assignment
Get your field notebook page on your website setup and at least two processes observed. In setting it up, you need to commit to (and stick with the whole semester) one bingo card. The real assignment will run all semester long. You need to get “Bingo” by the end of the semester. The first three to declare Bingo (and not have their results contested) will get a prize and a Grand Prize will go to the first Full Card winner.
The Rules
In normal Bingo you all get different bingo cards. Here, you have four bingo cards to choose from below. Your job is to get Bingo by one of the following winning patterns:
The way you record your processes will be as follows: Show on your web page, which bingo cell you are reporting. Keep a running list of all cells below as sub-heading sub-sections in which you:
- denote the process you are reporting
- provide a one sentence definition of process
- show us the process (preferably a video narrated) in action (or a very well annotated photo or series of photos) from your own local field observations.
- explain why you think it is that process
Your observations must be your own (no re-using of other’s YouTube videos.. though you can use them for inspiration). You need to observe these processes in the field.
The Bingo Cards
All have the same mix of processes… just in different orders. Choose one and stick to it.
Card 1
drizzle (precipitation) | sheet flow (interill) | pipeflow | infiltration | percolation |
overbank flow | snow throughfall | infiltration excess overland flow | throughflow | snow accumulation |
rain (precipitation) | base flow | FREE | snow (precipitation) | condensation |
sublimation | interception | saturation excess overland flow | evaporation | bankfull flow |
gully flow | stemflow | subsurface stormflow | rill flow | return flow |
Card 2
sublimation | condensation | saturation excess overland flow | evaporation | interception |
overbank flow | bankfull flow | infiltration excess overland flow | gully flow | snow throughfall |
stemflow | snow accumulation | subsurface stormflow | rill flow | return flow |
drizzle (precipitation) | sheet flow (interill) | pipeflow | infiltration | percolation |
rain (precipitation) | throughflow | FREE | snow (precipitation) | base flow |
Card 3
sublimation | interception | saturation excess overland flow | evaporation | bankfull flow |
overbank flow | snow throughfall | infiltration excess overland flow | throughflow | snow accumulation |
gully flow | stemflow | subsurface stormflow | rill flow | return flow |
drizzle (precipitation) | sheet flow (interill) | pipeflow | infiltration | percolation |
rain (precipitation) | base flow | FREE | snow (precipitation) | condensation |
Card 4
drizzle (precipitation) | sheet flow (interill) | pipeflow | infiltration | percolation |
overbank flow | bankfull flow | infiltration excess overland flow | gully flow | snow throughfall |
stemflow | snow accumulation | subsurface stormflow | rill flow | return flow |
rain (precipitation) | FREE | through flow | snow (precipitation) | base flow |
sublimation | condensation | saturation excess overland flow | evaporation | interception |
Bingo Pages
2021 Class
Thanks to everyone for sharing their Bingo Pages:
- Triton Abeyta
- Jens Ammon
- Alec Arditti
- Gabe Benitez
- Bryce Bollinger
- Jeffrey Chandler
- Casey Choate
- Daniel Cremin-Thurber
- Megh Raj
- Kathryn Ann Margetts
- Manisha Panthi
- Anna Paulding
- Shelby Sawyer
The 2021 Winners (first three to declare Bingo) were: