Current Version (0.5.11) released on 8/30/2017
- Revised how data inputs/outputs are named when writing Riverscapes project XML files.
Previous Version (0.5.10) released on 8/29/2017
- Added more HUC4 names to watershed selection list in Create Riverscape Project tool.
Previous Version (0.5.9) released on 8/3/2017
- Minor bug fix relating to OID of shapefiles vs. file geodatabase feature classes.
Previous Version (0.5.8)
- Fixed minor bug related to conversion of vegetation height.
Previous Version (0.5.7) released on 7/17/2017
- Minor bug fixes.
Previous Version (0.5.5) released on 3/20/2017
- Converted toolbox (.tbx) to Python toolbox (.pyt).
- Refactored Riverscapes functionality to allow multiple realizations.
- Added new Create Riverscapes Project tool.
The Solar Stream toolbox is provided as a zip file containing an ESRI .tbx file and supporting script files.
- Unzip the contents to your computer (keep all files in the same directory)
- Open ArcGIS
- Add the SolarStreamTools.pyt file to ArcToolbox.