Conductivity Tools



Current Version (0.5.4)

released on 3/27/2017.

  • Revised output Riverscapes Project XML file.


  • Python 2.7
  • R 3.2.5
  • RandomForest (R package)
  • Conductivity Tools
  • GNAT (optional)

Please note: After R is installed, check that the Rscript command is available in your Windows command line terminal. If not, then the R installation folder (i.e. for Windows, this would be similar to “C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.5\bin”) should be added to the system environment PATH variable. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.


Conductivity Tools is provided as a zip file containing an ESRI .tbx file and supporting scripts.

  1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to your computer. This will include the ArcGIS toolbox, the required Python and R scripts, and the Random Forest model (rf17bCnd9.rdata).
  2. Open ArcGIS
  3. Open the ArcToolbox window, right-click ArcToolbox and choose Add Toolbox.