Current Version (0.5.4)
released on 3/27/2017.
- Revised output Riverscapes Project XML file.
- Python 2.7
- R 3.2.5
- RandomForest (R package)
- Conductivity Tools
- GNAT (optional)
Please note: After R is installed, check that the Rscript
command is available in your Windows
command line terminal. If not, then the R installation folder (i.e. for Windows, this would be similar
to “C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.5\bin”) should be added to the system environment PATH variable.
Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
Conductivity Tools is provided as a zip file containing an ESRI .tbx file and supporting scripts.
- Unzip the contents of the zip file to your computer. This will include the ArcGIS toolbox, the required Python and R scripts, and the Random Forest model (rf17bCnd9.rdata).
- Open ArcGIS
- Open the ArcToolbox window, right-click
and chooseAdd Toolbox