This page exists mainly for checking the CSS styles and as a reference for the markdown and html to produce particular content. All styles here are simply derived from Foundation’s core CSS classes
The source code is provide in a code block
above of the demonstrated feature. Alternatively, you can view the source code for this page here.
# H1
NOTE: (Never EVER use H1 in the body. It’s here for completeness)
## H2 is this
H2 is this
*this is italics*
and **this is bold**
and ***this is both***
illustrated in regular paragraph text:
Here is some paragraph text. Pariatur this is italics and this is bold and this is both commodo et nisi ea est nulla enim ad id consequat aliquip. Proident anim est ad officia nostrud excepteur anim reprehenderit elit anim est irure pariatur. Duis ipsum anim dolor veniam voluptate occaecat cupidatat incididunt aliquip adipisicing officia dolor. Irure proident esse ullamco qui consequat elit excepteur qui velit proident cupidatat commodo amet. Tempor duis et qui dolore ex tempor esse dolore laboris ullamco deserunt. Nisi Lorem cupidatat aliqua elit commodo occaecat incididunt. In id sit et in consectetur eu incididunt aliquip Lorem deserunt et id non aliquip.
### H3 is this
H3 is this
#### H4 is this
H4 is this
##### H5 is this
H5 is this
###### H62 is this
H6 is this
<img class="float-left" src="">
Sometimes you want an image to live on the left. Veniam deserunt do magna nisi sunt ea quis aliqua aute cupidatat elit Lorem non. Dolore veniam deserunt nisi aute magna. Officia id dolor aliqua sunt dolor id cupidatat quis ea elit excepteur ea non. Aute sint aute in enim pariatur veniam ut. Ut Lorem anim occaecat aliquip quis irure ipsum elit do deserunt consequat aute cillum. Magna dolore sint adipisicing labore deserunt. Incididunt culpa laboris nisi Lorem excepteur.
<img class="float-right" src="">
Other times it belongs on the right. Veniam deserunt do magna nisi sunt ea quis aliqua aute cupidatat elit Lorem non. Dolore veniam deserunt nisi aute magna. Officia id dolor aliqua sunt dolor id cupidatat quis ea elit excepteur ea non. Aute sint aute in enim pariatur veniam ut. Ut Lorem anim occaecat aliquip quis irure ipsum elit do deserunt consequat aute cillum. Magna dolore sint adipisicing labore deserunt. Incididunt culpa laboris nisi Lorem excepteur.
This is mainly for youtube videos. Just use the regular youtube embed code wrapped in a responsive-embed
<div class="responsive-embed widescreen">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sometimes you need tabular data:
Header1 | Col A | Col B | Col C |
Row 1 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
Row 2 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
Row 3 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
Produced with:
| Header1 | Col A | Col B | Col C |
| --------- | ------- | ------- | ------- |
| **Row 1** | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
| **Row 2** | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
| **Row 3** | 0.23423 | 0.23423 | 0.23423 |
Basic Buttons
Basic buttons can be produced as follows:
<a href="about.html" class="button">Learn More</a>
Learn More
<a href="#features" class="button">View All Features</a>
View All Features
Button Sizes
Sometimes you want buttons of different sizes:
<a class="button tiny" href="#">So Tiny</a>
<a class="button small" href="#">So Small</a>
<a class="button" href="#">So Basic</a>
<a class="button large" href="#">So Large</a>
So Tiny So Small So Basic So Large
Sometimes you want your buttons to expand the width of the page.
<a class="button expanded" href="#">Such Expand</a>
<a class="button small expanded" href="#">Wow, Small Expand</a>
Button Coloring
Coloring buttons can be done as follows:
<a class="button primary" href="#">Primary</a>
<a class="button secondary" href="#">Secondary</a>
<a class="button success" href="#">Success</a>
<a class="button alert" href="#">Alert</a>
<a class="button warning" href="#">Warning</a>
Primary Secondary Success Alert Warning
Hollow Buttons
The same colors can be used on hollow buttons:
<a class="hollow button" href="#">Primary</a>
<a class="hollow button secondary" href="#">Secondary</a>
<a class="hollow button success" href="#">Success</a>
<a class="hollow button alert" href="#">Alert</a>
<a class="hollow button warning" href="#">Warning</a>
<a class="hollow button" href="#" disabled>Disabled</a>
Primary Secondary Success Alert Warning Disabled
Buttons with Icons
We use font-awesome icon set for icons
<a class="button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> 'home' icon </a>
‘home’ icon
Maybe you want a custom icon:
<a class="button" href="#"><img src="/riverscapes-website-jekyll/assets/images/favicons/android-icon-36x36.png"> 'home' icon </a>
‘home’ icon
Block grids are a shorthand way to create equally-sized columns.
<div class="row small-up-2 medium-up-3 large-up-4">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
<div class="column column-block">
<img src="" class="thumbnail" alt="">
Cards can be used to display items of a similar class
This is a row of cards.
This row of cards is embedded in an Flex Block Grid.
This is a card.
It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.
This is a card.
It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.
<div class="row small-up-2 medium-up-3">
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<img src="">
<div class="card-section">
<h4>This is a row of cards.</h4>
<p>This row of cards is embedded in an Flex Block Grid.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<img src="">
<div class="card-section">
<h4>This is a card.</h4>
<p>It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<img src="">
<div class="card-section">
<h4>This is a card.</h4>
<p>It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.</p>
Advanced grid work
Everything in foundaiton is rows and columns. There are always 12 columns in a row:
Grids can also behave differently at different sizes (think phone vs. desktop)
<div class="demogrid">
<div class="row">
<div class="columns small-2 large-4">small-2 large-4</div>
<div class="columns small-4 large-4">small-4 large-4</div>
<div class="columns small-6 large-4">small-6 large-4</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="columns large-3">large-3</div>
<div class="columns large-6">large-6</div>
<div class="columns large-3">large-3</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="columns small-6 large-2"><!-- ... --></div>
<div class="columns small-6 large-8"><!-- ... --></div>
<div class="columns small-12 large-2"><!-- ... --></div>