matBRAT - Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (Matlab based - version 1 to 2.03)

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3. Vegetation Classification: Dam Building Material Preferences

Figure 2 shows how the LANDFIRE land cover data can be classified in terms of its suitability as beaver dam building material.


Figure 2. Diagram showing LANDFIRE land cover data classification for the beaver dam capacity model

Task 1: Classify LANDFIRE Land Cover Data

Table 1. Suitability of LANDFIRE Land Cover as Dam-building Material

Suitability Description LANDFIRE Land Cover Classes
0 Unsuitable Material Agriculture, roads, barren, non-vegetated, or sparsely vegetated
1 Barely Suitable Material Herbaceous wetland/riparian or shrubland, transitional herbaceous, or grasslands
2 Moderately Suitable Material Introduced woody riparian, woodland/conifer, or sagebrush
3 Suitable Material Deciduous upland trees, or aspen/conifer
4 Preferred Material Aspen, cottonwood, willow, or other native woody riparian

Below is an example that you can either download or use as a rough guide (alternatively download the CSV file: EVT_VEG_Classification.csv or BPS_VEG_Classification img ). We suggest you consider the classification carefully for those vegetation types that end up in your riparian areas, but remember that the majority of categories occur well outside the riparian corridor and are not critical in this analysis. Columns A through Q are those you will find in the raster attribute table. Column R is the ‘VEG_CODE’ column which is classified with a 0 through 4 categorical suitability class.

Below is a video that details the process used in step 3 to classify the LANDFIRE vegetation data in terms of dam building suitability for beaver.



Below we illustrate how you can use Zonal Statistics to clip and average your classified vegetation raster into your buffered areas:

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