Wave Pattern

13. Human Impacts on River Systems

Module 13

Background and why we're covering it

We live in the Anthropocene
Although we have spent the majority of this class focusing on an understanding of fluvial geomorphology under natural conditions, we now live in the Anthropocene. Virtually all of the geologic, climatic, hydrologic, ecologic and ultimately geomorphic processes we covered this semsester can be influenced by humans. These influences do not invalidate anything we have studies this semester, they simply complicate the context and causality. The same tools you have developed this semester for reading riverscapes still apply. However, you may need to exercise caution in what can be attributed to natural processes alone, or might need sole or shared attribution to anthopogenic activities and influences. This chapter unpacks some of our most common influences and impacts.

Learning Outcomes

  • LO 8. Understand human impacts on riverscapes and fluvial forces.


No video lecture was assigned for this module. The slides below were used and referenced in an in-class lecture and discussion.


Lecture Slides - Module 13
Human Impacts on River Systems

Other Resources

Corresponding Chapter in Course Text

Geomorphic Analysis of River Systems
From: Fryirs KA, Brierley GA. 2013. Geomorphic Analysis of River Systems: An Approach to Reading the Landscape, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester, U.K.

This module focus on: CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Human impacts on river systems

Other Courses

The focus of this introductory fluvial geomorphology class was not on human impacts to river systems. A number of other courses at USU focus on some of these impacts as well as conservation and restoration actions we can take to mitigate, reverse and address such impacts. A partial list of some of those in WATS is shown below:


Restoration and Conservation

Relevant or Cited Literature

Follow up selected readings suggested by Fryris and Brierley (2013) are provided for every chapter in page 328-334 of the text book.

Wave Pattern

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