Fluvial Geomorphology

River Behavior

Module 11: River Behavior


This chapter focuses on characterizing what the normal range of adjustments from geomorphic processes, and how distinct river styles have a characteristic suite of such mechanisms of adjustments (e.g. avulsions, incision, thalweg shift, bar development, lateral migration, etc.). Following on from a chapter recognizing the diversity of river types (styles), we now have a basis for developing expectations about both the form (character) and processes (behavior) shaping a riverscape.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply principles of geomorphic analysis to a diversity of riverscapes.
  2. Gain an appreciation of how geomorphic processes of erosion, deposition transport and storage of sediment shape topography and create, maintain, sculpt and destroy distinctive landforms.

Lecture Slides

Slides Used in Class

No video

No video lecture was assigned for this module. The slides at right were used and referenced in an in-class lecture and discussion.


Corresponding Chapter in Course Text

From: Fryirs KA, Brierley GA. 2013. Geomorphic Analysis of River Systems: An Approach to Reading the Landscape, First Edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester, U.K.

This module focus on: CHAPTER ELEVEN: River behaviour

Relevant or Cited Literature

Follow up selected readings suggested by Fryris and Brierley (2013) are provided for every chapter in page 328-334 of the text book.