Wave Pattern

10. River Diversity Exercise

Module 10 - River Diversity Exercise

See Corresponding Learning Module


Submit at least six Google Earth URLs (links to an external site.) of Riverscapes you have never been to in person at camera zoom levels between 2 km and 15 km appropriate to the riverscape segment you are showing (you will share and submit these during class), which collectively satisfy the following criterions:

Module 10 Slide

  • A. At least one riverscape from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, North America
  • B. At least one confined riverscape
  • C. At least one margin-controlled riverscape (i.e., partly-confined)
  • D. At least one planform-controlled riverscape (i.e., partly-confined)
  • E. At least one laterally unconfined riverscape
  • F. At least one riverscape without any active channels
  • G. At least one riverscape with multiple channel threads
  • H. At least one riverscape with very high sinuosity channel(s)

Please submit at least six riverscapes (feel free to submit more) using this form. We will be filling out this form together in class and working through responses for identifying and defining different flavors of rivers.

How to get Google Earth Link and Fill out Form

The video below shows how to fill out form and get link from Google Earth. These should take < 5 minutes each. You can also submit more while your in class and we're discussing.

How to get Google Earth Link and Fill out Form

Relevant Papers

Brierley & Fryirs (2005) River Styles Framework

The River Styles Framework is laid out in Part 2 of the Brierley and Fryirs (2005) book and is the conceptual basis for much of our book. For an overview lecture of the framework, see this Module in WATS 6860 Ecohydraulics.

River Styles Framework
Wave Pattern

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