Course Home
An Introduction to Fluvial Geomorphology - WATS 5150/6150 & GEOG 5150/6150 & CEWA 510
WATS 5150 Course Overview
![WATS 5150 Canvas](/Fluvial-Geomorphology/images/pics/WATS-5150_Canvas.png)
Welcome to the Fluvial Geomorphology Course Website!
This online resource is designed primarily for students enrolled in the introductory fluvial geomorphology courses, including WATS 5150/6150, GEO 5150/6150, and CEWA 6150 taught through Utah State University. However, it also serves as a valuable introduction to the fascinating field of fluvial geomorphology and will build an appreciation of riverscapes for students and practitioners seeking knowledge in this area.
![Icefields Parkway](/Fluvial-Geomorphology/images/pics/IcefieldsParkway.png)
Canvas for Assignments & Pacing
For enrolled students, all course materials, such as lectures, videos and resources you may want to refer to long after the class can be found on this site. By contrast, Canvas is where you will submit assignments, track your grades, view due dates for assignments and meetings, and engage in collaborations:
Open Source Course content
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Note, instructors and students are welcome to re-use and adapt all the resources of this course website (lectures, slides, videos, exercises) for their purposes. See Zeondo for recommended citation.